Fresh off the Boat Wiki

Jessica's DC Friends are a group of 3 unnamed friends that Jessica Huang used to hang out with, back in DC. They were Chinese women just like her and they all spoke in Mandarin to each other instead of English. They briefly appeared in The Shunning.

Jessica claims that she deeply misses and loves them. The flashback however shows that they were screaming at each other over blackjack and accused the one to the right of Jessica for cheating. She was probably counting or marking the cards. The accused friend however kept defending herself and went on trying to scream even louder than Jessica and the other two.

Most likely, these friends did eat and enjoy Jessica's tofu, as while every female neighbor in Orlando who Jessica chose to befriend, except Honey, rejected her tofu.


Despite calling themselves friends, they often argued and screamed at each other. They all seem just as short-tempered, prone to yelling and selfish as Jessica.
